ገበታ ፊደላት ትግርኛ/ Tigrinya Alphabet Poster

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ገበታ/ፖስተር ፊደላት ትግርኛ፡ ኣብ ገዛና ከም ወለዲ ወይ መማሃርን ኾይናን ኣብ ቤት ትምህርቲ ብዝቀለለ ደቕና ወይ ተማሃሮ ክንምህረሉ ንክእ ብሉጽ ገበታ/ፖስተር ፊደላት ትግርኛ። ገበታ/ፖስተር  ፊደላት ትግርኛ ብሕብርታትን ስእልታትን ዝወቀበ ብምዃኑ ንቆልዑ ኣዝዩ ሰሓቢ እዩ፡ ኣብ ኣዝዩ ዝበለጽ ቤት ማሕተም ዝተሓትመ፡ ወረቀቱ ምስ ቆልዑት ዝኸይድ፡ ብቀሊሉ ብማይ ኾነ ብኢድ ክቅደድ ዘይኽእል እዩ፡ ገበታ/ፖስተር  ፊደላት ትግርኛ ብምውናን፡ ድቅና ነሐጉሶም፡ ብዝቀለለ መንገዲ ፊደላት ትግርኛ ክምሃሩ ዕድል ንሃቦም።

 Tigrinya Alphabets Poster: the poster is designed by a very talented designer, decorated by color and pictures, which the color make the children attractive and the picture will help them to memorize the alphabet easily, the poster is printed in a very strong paper, the paper cant damage easily either by hand or water.

lets own this Tigrinya alphabet poster, make our children and give the a chance to learn easily Tigrinya language.


Product information 

  • Size 50x70cm
  • material Strong paper
  • paper water resistant 


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